The MIT Ombuds Office is a confidential, impartial, informal, and independent resource. These principles are the foundation of our professional code of ethics and they’re what makes us unique among the Institute’s many support services.
From the moment you first reach out to the Ombuds Office, you remain in control of the process.
We are off the record. Your interactions with the Ombuds Office are completely confidential. No records are maintained.
We are available to all parties in a conflict. We’re here in support of your success, but our impartiality means that we do not serve as advocates for people who use our services and we do not represent MIT. We help to find constructive resolutions without judging who is right or wrong.
We are an informal resource. The office is not a part of any formal Institute process. We don’t make or enforce policy. Sharing a concern with an ombudsperson does not put MIT on notice.